Which raw cat food is best?

Which raw cat food is best?

It can be a minefield searching to try and find out which raw cat food is the best food for your cat. Where do you start? Well, here are some of the important points to keep in mind:

  • Make sure the company you are buying from is DEFRA registered. This means the company has to undergo strict sourcing, testing and hygiene protocols and you can rest assured that what you buy is safe to feed.
  • Make sure that the food you buy has been specifically formulated for cats. This ensures that your cat has all the important nutrients they need to thrive and not just survive.  Cats cannot synthesize some of the essential amino acids which means they have to get them from the food you provide for them.
  • Make sure the meat used in your cat’s food is human grade.  This means that the cuts of meat used within the food are cuts of meat you would recognise in your local butchers shop.

Here at Moggi, we really care about the food we offer. It matters to us that your cat gets the top quality food they deserve.  Remember it is important to try and mix and match the brands of food you feed, keeping meal times interesting and exciting for your cat.

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